"WHY TIME MANAGEMENT" Hey Everyone, i hope you all are fine!! At First, if we look at any problem in our society we try to configure that problem, but in real there is a strategy behind every problem's solution. I always say "If someone knows time management, He/ She can achieve anything throughout the life"
Time Management is a key in any kind of strategy, everything needs a strategy to complete, which means that behind every process there is a strategy!!!!
To Run a business successfully, to achieve something, to teach anything, to learn anything, to execute anything, i mean everything have a strategy; its up to you that how you are going to apply your strategy.
If we talk about business strategy it includes
if we talk about teaching strategy, it includes
"Smart Steps, Thinking Aloud & Feedback"
Now there is no doubt that we are not applying these strategies for teaching or for business but the truth is these are research based Strategies, which means that if we are going to apply these strategies, we can achieve better. I think this brief intro about strategy is enough, now lets talk about our main agenda "Time Management" which is a key factor of any strategy, either that strategy is about Business, Teaching or achieving, every strategy needs a proper time management. Time Management is not difficult but unfortunately, many people around us fail, because they don't know how to manage their time effectively, they start making excuses and excuses which are not acceptable in the society.
Now Lets Talk about Frame Work, Frame Work basically includes the structure of your work or the structure of your target, in our daily life we can say that frame work is a kind of road map through which we can achieve our targets, so it clearly means that you should have some basic "know how" about your target, about your work so it can help you to manage your time easily.
For Example, if I'm going to a meeting, I've to reach at meeting place within 1 hour, so in this case, 1st of all I've to make a strategy for my whole meeting in which I've to plan about my route, my reach time, meeting start time and meeting end time.
There is a framework behind my meeting, and there is a strategy to meet my goalin the meeting or we can say that there is a strategy behind my this meeting, So if I know time management i can achieve my goal through time management easily in this meeting!!!
Basic Formula for Time Management is
"Time Management= Planning + Will Power"
Planning is in Strategy and Will Power is related to your inner self, if you have something to achieve big in your life then I think nothing can stop you from Time Management!!!!!
Thank You for reading, ALLAH Hafiz till the next Post!!!
Remember me in your prayers.