Destinations Of Life
Destinations of life(journey to meet yourself)
In our daily life, while making any decision, we come to
know about some hurdles some barriers through which we cant make right
Same in case when we set many targets, we set many goals but
because of some reasons we can’t achieve our goals or out targets.

As many of us have not started their journey to achieve
their goals, to reach our destinations, to achieve the position which we always
watched before sleeping, to complete the picture which never let us sleep.
There are thousands of people who are going to stop you to
achieve your goals through their talking, through their thinking, through
discouragements but remember people are not discouraging you because they don’t
want to see you to be successful, people always stop you because they don’t want to know that their
beliefs become wrong.
when we start on depending people, we start to overthink that this, this and this person is going to help us whenever we shall face any problem and then eventually when the problem arrives that person is not responding our phone calls and then at the end there’s a list of excuses from everyone, and here is a small end of your goal.
So what’s the solution to this? Through which way we should go to achieve our goal?
Maybe at that time we have to think that to whom we have asked to help us?
People are always going to add some hurdles, barriers(read my article on my Instagram “barriers to achieve goals” ) but you have to create your intact connection with your ALLAH, because if your connection with Almighty is intact, you have everything”
So don’t worry to see this face of people, just go and talk to ALLAH pak and you will be unstoppable.

Why you have been dependent on someone while thinking that this person is going to help you, maybe at this time we have to start asking for help to ALMIGHTY.
Maybe at this time you have to choose your destination by yourself if you you want to achieve something big.
Make yourself hero of your own story and to be the hero.
Its not
that easy as you were thinking while planning to achieve your goals, I know its
very difficult to be a hero but remember there’s always one thing which people
remember and that thing is your position and if you don’t want to work hard
maybe you have to sell the ice cream because In life you have to see many ups and
downs, you have to see many people who are going to put their back on your
face, there are many people who are going to close their doors on you but at
that time ask yourself that have you did a hard work? Because when you are a
hero then you should know that a hero never cares about what people think, what
people talk or how people behave.
Heroes don’t care about appreciation, they just work hard to
make themselves happy, to make their parents proud.
And there’s a famous quote “ never ever settle yourself for
too low”

Ask yourself, start asking questions to your heart that what
you want to become and remember one thing that when your heart replies don’t
speak lie to yourself that you cant do it, at that time you should start
looking at the ways through which you can reach your destination.
After this you have to keep a hard believe on ALLAH &
never ever lose hope because in this journey to your destination you will lose
your friends, your beloved ones but don’t lose hope because in
Coming days are far better than previous days.
While achieving your goals you will face politics, that’s
why its better for you know about ground realities.
You should learn how to know people, you should know
politics but remember the one who have a hard believe on ALLAH doesn’t care
about anything because a leader a hero just focuses on the betterment of their
self purification.

While having bad days its ok to cry alone,
its ok to cry when there’s too much in your mind, the clouds rain too when things got heavy.
But you don’t have to cry in front of anyone, its not okay to cry in front of public, because people are going to play with your feelings, with your emotions and the main thing is that a nation cant see their leader to cry that’s why don’t cry in front of anyone.People are going to play with you but one day they will realize that they have lost a diamond while playing with worthless stones.
You need a big heart, people are going to be with you and
same like this people are going to leave you so you need a big heart, you need
to know about people management.
Their is no science, physics, chemistry or mathematics in
life you have to face problems, you have to face everything & that's why sometimes you just have to bow down your head and to say a prayer is a better option, and that's why the physics of life is to bring revolution in human life.

Life is not as easy as we think or as other people who are commenting on your life thinks, list is a hard journey in which you'll face dogs, scorpions & snakes so don't worry to see this face of people.
Live your life in an honorable way, you don't have to beg for love.
Life is a code with vision, determinations, consistency & certainty.
Do a SWOT analysis for yourself and let yourself know about your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats.
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